Package 'polyCub'

Title: Cubature over Polygonal Domains
Description: Numerical integration of continuously differentiable functions f(x,y) over simple closed polygonal domains. The following cubature methods are implemented: product Gauss cubature (Sommariva and Vianello, 2007, <doi:10.1007/s10543-007-0131-2>), the simple two-dimensional midpoint rule (wrapping 'spatstat.geom' functions), and adaptive cubature for radially symmetric functions via line integrate() along the polygon boundary (Meyer and Held, 2014, <doi:10.1214/14-AOAS743>, Supplement B). For simple integration along the axes, the 'cubature' package is more appropriate.
Authors: Sebastian Meyer [aut, cre, trl] , Leonhard Held [ths], Michael Hoehle [ths]
Maintainer: Sebastian Meyer <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2
Version: 0.9.2
Built: 2025-02-11 14:47:20 UTC

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Cubature over Polygonal Domains


The R package polyCub implements cubature (numerical integration) over polygonal domains. It solves the problem of integrating a continuously differentiable function f(x,y)f(x,y) over simple closed polygons.


polyCub provides the following cubature methods:


General-purpose product Gauss cubature (Sommariva and Vianello, 2007)


Simple two-dimensional midpoint rule based on from spatstat.geom (Baddeley et al., 2015)


Adaptive cubature for radially symmetric functions via line integrate() along the polygon boundary (Meyer and Held, 2014, Supplement B, Section 2.4).

A brief description and benchmark experiment of the above cubature methods can be found in the vignette("polyCub").

There is also polyCub.exact.Gauss, intended to accurately (but slowly) integrate the bivariate Gaussian density; however, this implementation is disabled as of polyCub 0.9.0: it needs a reliable implementation of polygon triangulation.

Meyer (2010, Section 3.2) discusses and compares some of these methods.


Sebastian Meyer


Baddeley, A., Rubak, E. and Turner, R. (2015). Spatial Point Patterns: Methodology and Applications with R. Chapman and Hall/CRC Press, London.

Meyer, S. (2010). Spatio-Temporal Infectious Disease Epidemiology based on Point Processes. Master's Thesis, LMU Munich. Available as

Meyer, S. and Held, L. (2014). Power-law models for infectious disease spread. The Annals of Applied Statistics, 8 (3), 1612-1639. doi:10.1214/14-AOAS743

Sommariva, A. and Vianello, M. (2007). Product Gauss cubature over polygons based on Green's integration formula. BIT Numerical Mathematics, 47 (2), 441-453. doi:10.1007/s10543-007-0131-2

See Also


For the special case of a rectangular domain along the axes (e.g., a bounding box), the cubature package is more appropriate.

Check the Integral of rfr(r)r f_r(r)


This function is auxiliary to polyCub.iso. The (analytical) integral of rfr(r)r f_r(r) from 0 to RR is checked against a numeric approximation using integrate for various values of the upper bound RR. A warning is issued if inconsistencies are found.


checkintrfr(intrfr, f, ..., center, control = list(), rs = numeric(0L),
  tolerance = control$rel.tol)



a function(R, ...), which implements the (analytical) antiderivative of rfr(r)r f_r(r) from 0 to R. The first argument must be vectorized but not necessarily named R.
If intrfr is missing, it will be approximated numerically via integrate(function(r, ...) r * f(cbind(x0 + r, y0), ...), 0, R, ..., control=control), where c(x0, y0) is the center of isotropy. Note that f will not be checked for isotropy.


a two-dimensional real-valued function. As its first argument it must take a coordinate matrix, i.e., a numeric matrix with two columns, and it must return a numeric vector of length the number of coordinates.


further arguments for f or intrfr.


numeric vector of length 2, the center of isotropy.


list of arguments passed to integrate, the quadrature rule used for the line integral along the polygon boundary.


numeric vector of upper bounds for which to check the validity of intrfr. If it has length 0 (default), no checks are performed.


of all.equal.numeric when comparing intrfr results with numerical integration. Defaults to the relative tolerance used for integrate.


The intrfr function. If it was not supplied, its quadrature version using integrate is returned.

Integration of the Isotropic Gaussian Density over Circular Domains


This function calculates the integral of the bivariate, isotropic Gaussian density (i.e., Σ\Sigma = sd^2*diag(2)) over a circular domain via the cumulative distribution function pchisq of the (non-central) Chi-Squared distribution (Abramowitz and Stegun, 1972, Formula 26.3.24).


circleCub.Gauss(center, r, mean, sd)



numeric vector of length 2 (center of the circle).


numeric (radius of the circle). Several radii may be supplied.


numeric vector of length 2 (mean of the bivariate Gaussian density).


numeric (common standard deviation of the isotropic Gaussian density in both dimensions).


The integral value (one for each supplied radius).


The non-centrality parameter of the evaluated chi-squared distribution equals the squared distance between the mean and the center. If this becomes too large, the result becomes inaccurate, see pchisq.


Abramowitz, M. and Stegun, I. A. (1972). Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables. New York: Dover Publications.


circleCub.Gauss(center=c(1,2), r=3, mean=c(4,5), sd=6)

## compare with cubature over a polygonal approximation of a circle
## Not run: ## (this example requires gpclib)
disc.poly <- spatstat.geom::disc(radius=3, centre=c(1,2), npoly=32)
polyCub.exact.Gauss(disc.poly, mean=c(4,5), Sigma=6^2*diag(2))

## End(Not run)

Conversion between polygonal "owin" and "gpc.poly"


Package polyCub implements converters between the classes "owin" of package spatstat.geom and "gpc.poly" of package gpclib.



gpc2owin(object, ...)

as.owin.gpc.poly(W, ...)



an object of class "gpc.poly" or "owin", respectively.


further arguments passed to owin.


an object of class "gpc.poly".


The converted polygon of class "gpc.poly" or "owin", respectively. If package gpclib is not available, owin2gpc will just return the pts slot of the "gpc.poly" (no formal class) with a warning.


The converter owin2gpc requires the package gpclib for the formal class definition of a "gpc.poly". It will produce vertices ordered according to the sp convention, i.e. clockwise for normal boundaries and anticlockwise for holes, where, however, the first vertex is not repeated!


Sebastian Meyer

See Also



## use example polygons from
example(plotpolyf, ask = FALSE)
letterR  # a simple "xylist"

letterR.owin <- spatstat.geom::owin(poly = letterR)
letterR.gpc_from_owin <- owin2gpc(letterR.owin)
## warns if "gpclib" is unavailable

if (is(letterR.gpc_from_owin, "gpc.poly")) {
  letterR.xylist_from_gpc <- xylist(letterR.gpc_from_owin)
  stopifnot(all.equal(letterR, lapply(letterR.xylist_from_gpc, `[`, 1:2)))
  letterR.owin_from_gpc <- gpc2owin(letterR.gpc_from_owin)
  stopifnot(all.equal(letterR.owin, letterR.owin_from_gpc))

Coerce "SpatialPolygons" to "owin"


Package polyCub implements coerce-methods (as(object, Class)) to convert "SpatialPolygons" (or "Polygons" or "Polygon") of package sp to "owin" of package spatstat.geom. They are also available as as.owin.* functions to support polyCub.midpoint.


as.owin.SpatialPolygons(W, ...)

as.owin.Polygons(W, ...)

as.owin.Polygon(W, ...)



an object of class "SpatialPolygons", "Polygons", or "Polygon".


further arguments passed to owin.


Sebastian Meyer

See Also



if (require("spatstat.geom") && require("sp")) {
    diamond <- list(x = c(1,2,1,0), y = c(1,2,3,2))  # anti-clockwise
    diamond.owin <- owin(poly = diamond)
    diamond.sp <- Polygon(lapply(diamond, rev))      # clockwise
    stopifnot(identical(xylist(diamond.sp), list(diamond)))
    diamond.owin_from_sp <- as.owin(diamond.sp)
    stopifnot(all.equal(diamond.owin, diamond.owin_from_sp))

    ## similarly works for Polygons and SpatialPolygons
    diamond.Ps <- as(diamond.sp, "Polygons")
    stopifnot(identical(diamond.owin, as.owin(diamond.Ps)))
    diamond.SpPs <- SpatialPolygons(list(diamond.Ps))
    stopifnot(identical(xylist(diamond.SpPs), list(diamond)))
    stopifnot(identical(diamond.owin, as.owin(diamond.SpPs)))

Plots a Polygonal Domain (of Various Classes)


Plots a Polygonal Domain (of Various Classes)


plot_polyregion(polyregion, lwd = 2, add = FALSE)



a polygonal domain. The following classes are supported: "owin" from package spatstat.geom, "gpc.poly" from gpclib, "SpatialPolygons", "Polygons", and "Polygon" from package sp, as well as "(MULTI)POLYGON" from package sf. (For these classes, polyCub knows how to get an xylist.)


line width of the polygon edges.


logical. Add to existing plot?

Plot Polygonal Domain on Image of Bivariate Function


Produces a combined plot of a polygonal domain and an image of a bivariate function, using either lattice::levelplot or image.


plotpolyf(polyregion, f, ..., npixel = 100, cuts = 15,
  col = rev(heat.colors(cuts + 1)), lwd = 3, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
  use.lattice = TRUE, print.args = list())



a polygonal domain. The following classes are supported: "owin" from package spatstat.geom, "gpc.poly" from gpclib, "SpatialPolygons", "Polygons", and "Polygon" from package sp, as well as "(MULTI)POLYGON" from package sf. (For these classes, polyCub knows how to get an xylist.)


a two-dimensional real-valued function. As its first argument it must take a coordinate matrix, i.e., a numeric matrix with two columns, and it must return a numeric vector of length the number of coordinates.


further arguments for f.


numeric vector of length 1 or 2 setting the number of pixels in each dimension.


number of cut points in the zz dimension. The range of function values will be divided into cuts+1 levels.


color vector used for the function levels.


line width of the polygon edges.

xlim, ylim

numeric vectors of length 2 setting the axis limits. NULL means using the bounding box of polyregion.


logical indicating if lattice graphics (levelplot) should be used.


a list of arguments passed to print.trellis for plotting the produced "trellis" object (given use.lattice = TRUE). The latter will be returned without explicit printing if print.args is not a list.


Sebastian Meyer


### a polygonal domain (a simplified version of$bdry)
letterR <- list(
    list(x = c(2.7, 3, 3.3, 3.9, 3.7, 3.4, 3.8, 3.7, 3.4, 2, 2, 2.7),
         y = c(1.7, 1.6, 0.7, 0.7, 1.3, 1.8, 2.2, 2.9, 3.3, 3.3, 0.7, 0.7)),
    list(x = c(2.6, 2.6, 3, 3.2, 3),
         y = c(2.2, 2.7, 2.7, 2.5, 2.2))

### f: isotropic exponential decay
fr <- function(r, rate = 1) dexp(r, rate = rate)
fcenter <- c(2,3)
f <- function (s, rate = 1) fr(sqrt(rowSums(t(t(s)-fcenter)^2)), rate = rate)

### plot
plotpolyf(letterR, f, use.lattice = FALSE)
plotpolyf(letterR, f, use.lattice = TRUE)

Wrapper Function for the Various Cubature Methods


The wrapper function polyCub can be used to call specific cubature methods via its method argument. It calls the polyCub.SV function by default, which implements general-purpose product Gauss cubature. The desired cubature function should usually be called directly.


polyCub(polyregion, f, method = c("SV", "midpoint", "iso", "exact.Gauss"),
  ..., plot = FALSE)



a polygonal domain. The following classes are supported: "owin" from package spatstat.geom, "gpc.poly" from gpclib, "SpatialPolygons", "Polygons", and "Polygon" from package sp, as well as "(MULTI)POLYGON" from package sf. (For these classes, polyCub knows how to get an xylist.)


a two-dimensional real-valued function to be integrated over polyregion. As its first argument it must take a coordinate matrix, i.e., a numeric matrix with two columns, and it must return a numeric vector of length the number of coordinates.
For the "exact.Gauss" method, f is ignored since it is specific to the bivariate normal density.


choose one of the implemented cubature methods (partial argument matching is applied), see help("polyCub-package") for an overview. Defaults to using product Gauss cubature implemented in polyCub.SV.


arguments of f or of the specific method.


logical indicating if an illustrative plot of the numerical integration should be produced.


The approximated integral of f over polyregion.

See Also

Details and examples in the vignette("polyCub") and on the method-specific help pages.

Other polyCub-methods: polyCub.SV(), polyCub.exact.Gauss(), polyCub.iso(), polyCub.midpoint()

Quasi-Exact Cubature of the Bivariate Normal Density (DEFUNCT)


This cubature method is defunct as of polyCub version 0.9.0. It relied on tristrip() from package gpclib for polygon triangulation, but that package did not have a FOSS license and was no longer maintained on a mainstream repository.
Contributions to resurrect this cubature method are welcome: an alternative implementation for constrained polygon triangulation is needed, see


polyCub.exact.Gauss(polyregion, mean = c(0, 0), Sigma = diag(2),
  plot = FALSE)



a "gpc.poly" polygon or something that can be coerced to this class, e.g., an "owin" polygon (via owin2gpc), or an "sfg" polygon (via sfg2gpc).

mean, Sigma

mean and covariance matrix of the bivariate normal density to be integrated.


logical indicating if an illustrative plot of the numerical integration should be produced. Note that the polyregion will be transformed (shifted and scaled).


The bivariate Gaussian density can be integrated based on a triangulation of the (transformed) polygonal domain, using formulae from the Abramowitz and Stegun (1972) handbook (Section 26.9, Example 9, pp. 956f.). This method is quite cumbersome because the A&S formula is only for triangles where one vertex is the origin (0,0). For each triangle we have to check in which of the 6 outer regions of the triangle the origin (0,0) lies and adapt the signs in the formula appropriately: (AOB+BOCAOC)(AOB+BOC-AOC) or (AOBAOCBOC)(AOB-AOC-BOC) or (AOB+AOCBOC)(AOB+AOC-BOC) or (AOC+BOCAOB)(AOC+BOC-AOB) or .... However, the most time consuming step is the evaluation of pmvnorm.


The integral of the bivariate normal density over polyregion. Two attributes are appended to the integral value:


number of triangles over which the standard bivariate normal density had to be integrated, i.e. number of calls to pmvnorm and pnorm, the former of which being the most time-consuming operation.


Approximate absolute integration error stemming from the error introduced by the nEval pmvnorm evaluations. For this reason, the cubature method is in fact only quasi-exact (as is the pmvnorm function).


Abramowitz, M. and Stegun, I. A. (1972). Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables. New York: Dover Publications.

See Also

circleCub.Gauss for quasi-exact cubature of the isotropic Gaussian density over a circular domain.

Other polyCub-methods: polyCub(), polyCub.SV(), polyCub.iso(), polyCub.midpoint()


## a function to integrate (here: isotropic zero-mean Gaussian density)
f <- function (s, sigma = 5)
    exp(-rowSums(s^2)/2/sigma^2) / (2*pi*sigma^2)

## a simple polygon as integration domain
hexagon <- list(
    list(x = c(7.33, 7.33, 3, -1.33, -1.33, 3),
         y = c(-0.5, 4.5, 7, 4.5, -0.5, -3))

## quasi-exact integration based on gpclib::tristrip() and mvtnorm::pmvnorm()
## Not run: ## (this example requires gpclib)
hexagon.gpc <- new("gpc.poly", pts = lapply(hexagon, c, list(hole = FALSE)))
plotpolyf(hexagon.gpc, f, xlim = c(-8,8), ylim = c(-8,8))
print(polyCub.exact.Gauss(hexagon.gpc, mean = c(0,0), Sigma = 5^2*diag(2),
                          plot = TRUE), digits = 16)

## End(Not run)

Cubature of Isotropic Functions over Polygonal Domains


polyCub.iso numerically integrates a radially symmetric function f(x,y)=fr((x,y)μ)f(x,y) = f_r(||(x,y)-\boldsymbol{\mu}||), with μ\mu being the center of isotropy, over a polygonal domain. It internally approximates a line integral along the polygon boundary using integrate. The integrand requires the antiderivative of rfr(r)r f_r(r)), which should be supplied as argument intrfr (f itself is only required if check.intrfr=TRUE). The two-dimensional integration problem thereby reduces to an efficient adaptive quadrature in one dimension. If intrfr is not available analytically, polyCub.iso can use a numerical approximation (meaning integrate within integrate), but the general-purpose cubature method polyCub.SV might be more efficient in this case. See Meyer and Held (2014, Supplement B, Section 2.4) for mathematical details.

.polyCub.iso is a “bare-bone” version of polyCub.iso.


polyCub.iso(polyregion, f, intrfr, ..., center, control = list(),
  check.intrfr = FALSE, plot = FALSE)

.polyCub.iso(polys, intrfr, ..., center, control = list(),
  .witherror = FALSE)



a polygonal domain. The following classes are supported: "owin" from package spatstat.geom, "gpc.poly" from gpclib, "SpatialPolygons", "Polygons", and "Polygon" from package sp, as well as "(MULTI)POLYGON" from package sf. (For these classes, polyCub knows how to get an xylist.)


a two-dimensional real-valued function. As its first argument it must take a coordinate matrix, i.e., a numeric matrix with two columns, and it must return a numeric vector of length the number of coordinates.


a function(R, ...), which implements the (analytical) antiderivative of rfr(r)r f_r(r) from 0 to R. The first argument must be vectorized but not necessarily named R.
If intrfr is missing, it will be approximated numerically via integrate(function(r, ...) r * f(cbind(x0 + r, y0), ...), 0, R, ..., control=control), where c(x0, y0) is the center of isotropy. Note that f will not be checked for isotropy.


further arguments for f or intrfr.


numeric vector of length 2, the center of isotropy.


list of arguments passed to integrate, the quadrature rule used for the line integral along the polygon boundary.


logical (or numeric vector) indicating if (for which r's) the supplied intrfr function should be checked against a numeric approximation. This check requires f to be specified. If TRUE, the set of test r's defaults to a seq of length 20 from 1 to the maximum absolute x or y coordinate of any edge of the polyregion.


logical indicating if an image of the function should be plotted together with the polygonal domain, i.e., plotpolyf(polyregion, f, ...).


something like owin$bdry, but see xylist.


logical indicating if an upper bound for the absolute integration error should be attached as an attribute to the result?


The approximate integral of the isotropic function f over polyregion.
If the intrfr function is provided (which is assumed to be exact), an upper bound for the absolute integration error is appended to the result as attribute "abs.error". It equals the sum of the absolute errors reported by all integrate calls (there is one for each edge of polyregion).


Sebastian Meyer

The basic mathematical formulation of this efficient integration for radially symmetric functions was ascertained with great support by Emil Hedevang (2013), Dept. of Mathematics, Aarhus University, Denmark.


Hedevang, E. (2013). Personal communication at the Summer School on Topics in Space-Time Modeling and Inference (May 2013, Aalborg, Denmark).

Meyer, S. and Held, L. (2014). Power-law models for infectious disease spread. The Annals of Applied Statistics, 8 (3), 1612-1639. doi:10.1214/14-AOAS743

See Also

system.file("include", "polyCubAPI.h", package = "polyCub") for a full C-implementation of this cubature method (for a single polygon). The corresponding C-routine polyCub_iso can be used by other R packages, notably surveillance, via ‘⁠LinkingTo: polyCub⁠’ (in the ‘DESCRIPTION’) and ‘⁠#include <polyCubAPI.h>⁠’ (in suitable ‘/src’ files). Note that the intrfr function must then also be supplied as a C-routine. An example can be found in the package tests.

Other polyCub-methods: polyCub(), polyCub.SV(), polyCub.exact.Gauss(), polyCub.midpoint()


## we use the example polygon and f (exponential decay) from

## numerical approximation of 'intrfr' (not recommended)
(intISOnum <- polyCub.iso(letterR, f, center = fcenter))

## analytical 'intrfr'
## intrfr(R) = int_0^R r*f(r) dr, for f(r) = dexp(r), gives
intrfr <- function (R, rate = 1) pgamma(R, 2, rate) / rate
(intISOana <- polyCub.iso(letterR, f, intrfr = intrfr, center = fcenter,
                          check.intrfr = TRUE))
## f is only used to check 'intrfr' against a numerical approximation

stopifnot(all.equal(intISOana, intISOnum, check.attributes = FALSE))

### polygon area: f(r) = 1, f(x,y) = 1, center does not really matter

## intrfr(R) = int_0^R r*f(r) dr = int_0^R r dr = R^2/2
intrfr.const <- function (R) R^2/2
(area.ISO <- polyCub.iso(letterR, intrfr = intrfr.const, center = c(0,0)))

if (require("spatstat.geom")) { # check against area.owin()
    stopifnot(all.equal(area.owin(owin(poly = letterR)),
                        area.ISO, check.attributes = FALSE))

Two-Dimensional Midpoint Rule


The surface is converted to a binary pixel image using the method from package spatstat.geom (Baddeley et al., 2015). The integral under the surface is then approximated as the sum over (pixel area * f(pixel midpoint)).


polyCub.midpoint(polyregion, f, ..., eps = NULL, dimyx = NULL,
  plot = FALSE)



a polygonal integration domain. It can be any object coercible to the spatstat.geom class "owin" via a corresponding as.owin-method. Note that this includes polygons of the classes "gpc.poly" and "SpatialPolygons", because polyCub defines methods as.owin.gpc.poly and as.owin.SpatialPolygons, respectively. sf also registers suitable as.owin methods for its "(MULTI)POLYGON" classes.


a two-dimensional real-valued function. As its first argument it must take a coordinate matrix, i.e., a numeric matrix with two columns, and it must return a numeric vector of length the number of coordinates.


further arguments for f.


width and height of the pixels (squares), see as.mask.


number of subdivisions in each dimension, see as.mask.


logical indicating if an illustrative plot of the numerical integration should be produced.


The approximated value of the integral of f over polyregion.


Baddeley A, Rubak E, Turner R (2015). Spatial Point Patterns: Methodology and Applications with R. Chapman and Hall/CRC Press, London.

See Also

Other polyCub-methods: polyCub(), polyCub.SV(), polyCub.exact.Gauss(), polyCub.iso()


## a function to integrate (here: isotropic zero-mean Gaussian density)
f <- function (s, sigma = 5)
    exp(-rowSums(s^2)/2/sigma^2) / (2*pi*sigma^2)

## a simple polygon as integration domain
hexagon <- list(
    list(x = c(7.33, 7.33, 3, -1.33, -1.33, 3),
         y = c(-0.5, 4.5, 7, 4.5, -0.5, -3))

if (require("spatstat.geom")) {
    hexagon.owin <- owin(poly = hexagon)

    show_midpoint <- function (eps)
        plotpolyf(hexagon.owin, f, xlim = c(-8,8), ylim = c(-8,8),
                  use.lattice = FALSE)
        ## add evaluation points to plot
        with(as.mask(hexagon.owin, eps = eps),
             points(expand.grid(xcol, yrow), col = t(m), pch = 20))
        title(main = paste("2D midpoint rule with eps =", eps))

    ## show nodes (eps = 0.5)

    ## show pixel image (eps = 0.5)
    polyCub.midpoint(hexagon.owin, f, eps = 0.5, plot = TRUE)

    ## use a decreasing pixel size (increasing number of nodes)
    for (eps in c(5, 3, 1, 0.5, 0.3, 0.1))
        cat(sprintf("eps = %.1f: %.7f\n", eps,
                    polyCub.midpoint(hexagon.owin, f, eps = eps)))

Product Gauss Cubature over Polygonal Domains


Product Gauss cubature over polygons as proposed by Sommariva and Vianello (2007).


polyCub.SV(polyregion, f, ..., nGQ = 20, alpha = NULL, rotation = FALSE,
  engine = "C", plot = FALSE)



a polygonal domain. The following classes are supported: "owin" from package spatstat.geom, "gpc.poly" from gpclib, "SpatialPolygons", "Polygons", and "Polygon" from package sp, as well as "(MULTI)POLYGON" from package sf. (For these classes, polyCub knows how to get an xylist.)


a two-dimensional real-valued function to be integrated over polyregion (or NULL to only compute nodes and weights). As its first argument it must take a coordinate matrix, i.e., a numeric matrix with two columns, and it must return a numeric vector of length the number of coordinates.


further arguments for f.


degree of the one-dimensional Gauss-Legendre quadrature rule (default: 20) as implemented in function gauss.quad of package statmod. Nodes and weights up to nGQ=60 are cached in polyCub, for larger degrees statmod is required.


base-line of the (rotated) polygon at x=αx = \alpha (see Sommariva and Vianello (2007) for an explication). If NULL (default), the midpoint of the x-range of each polygon is chosen if no rotation is performed, and otherwise the xx-coordinate of the rotated point "P" (see rotation). If f has its maximum value at the origin (0,0)(0,0), e.g., the bivariate Gaussian density with zero mean, alpha = 0 is a reasonable choice.


logical (default: FALSE) or a list of points "P" and "Q" describing the preferred direction. If TRUE, the polygon is rotated according to the vertices "P" and "Q", which are farthest apart (see Sommariva and Vianello, 2007). For convex polygons, this rotation guarantees that all nodes fall inside the polygon.


character string specifying the implementation to use. Up to polyCub version 0.4-3, the two-dimensional nodes and weights were computed by R functions and these are still available by setting engine = "R". The new C-implementation is now the default (engine = "C") and requires approximately 30% less computation time.
The special setting engine = "C+reduce" will discard redundant nodes at (0,0) with zero weight resulting from edges on the base-line x=αx = \alpha or orthogonal to it. This extra cleaning is only worth its cost for computationally intensive functions f over polygons which really have some edges on the baseline or parallel to the x-axis. Note that the old R implementation does not have such unset zero nodes and weights.


logical indicating if an illustrative plot of the numerical integration should be produced.


The approximated value of the integral of f over polyregion.
In the case f = NULL, only the computed nodes and weights are returned in a list of length the number of polygons of polyregion, where each component is a list with nodes (a numeric matrix with two columns), weights (a numeric vector of length nrow(nodes)), the rotation angle, and alpha.


Sebastian Meyer
These R and C implementations of product Gauss cubature are based on the original MATLAB implementation polygauss by Sommariva and Vianello (2007), which is available under the GNU GPL (>=2) license from


Sommariva, A. and Vianello, M. (2007): Product Gauss cubature over polygons based on Green's integration formula. BIT Numerical Mathematics, 47 (2), 441-453. doi:10.1007/s10543-007-0131-2

See Also

Other polyCub-methods: polyCub(), polyCub.exact.Gauss(), polyCub.iso(), polyCub.midpoint()


## a function to integrate (here: isotropic zero-mean Gaussian density)
f <- function (s, sigma = 5)
    exp(-rowSums(s^2)/2/sigma^2) / (2*pi*sigma^2)

## a simple polygon as integration domain
hexagon <- list(
    list(x = c(7.33, 7.33, 3, -1.33, -1.33, 3),
         y = c(-0.5, 4.5, 7, 4.5, -0.5, -3))

## image of the function and integration domain
plotpolyf(hexagon, f)

## use a degree of nGQ = 3 and show the corresponding nodes
polyCub.SV(hexagon, f, nGQ = 3, plot = TRUE)

## extract nodes and weights
nw <- polyCub.SV(hexagon, f = NULL, nGQ = 3)[[1]]

## manually apply the cubature rule
sum(nw$weights * f(nw$nodes))

## use an increasing number of nodes
for (nGQ in c(1:5, 10, 20, 60))
    cat(sprintf("nGQ = %2i: %.16f\n", nGQ,
                polyCub.SV(hexagon, f, nGQ = nGQ)))

## polyCub.SV() is the default method used by the polyCub() wrapper
polyCub(hexagon, f, nGQ = 3)  # calls polyCub.SV()

### now using a simple *rectangular* integration domain

rectangle <- list(list(x = c(-1, 7, 7, -1), y = c(-3, -3, 7, 7)))
polyCub.SV(rectangle, f, plot = TRUE)

## effect of rotation given a very low nGQ
opar <- par(mfrow = c(1,3))
polyCub.SV(rectangle, f, nGQ = 4, rotation = FALSE, plot = TRUE)
           title(main = "without rotation (default)")
polyCub.SV(rectangle, f, nGQ = 4, rotation = TRUE,  plot = TRUE)
           title(main = "standard rotation")
polyCub.SV(rectangle, f, nGQ = 4,
           rotation = list(P = c(0,0), Q = c(2,-3)), plot = TRUE)
           title(main = "custom rotation")

## comparison with the "cubature" package
if (requireNamespace("cubature")) {
    fc <- function (s, sigma = 5)  # non-vectorized version of f
        exp(-sum(s^2)/2/sigma^2) / (2*pi*sigma^2)
    cubature::hcubature(fc, lowerLimit = c(-1, -3), upperLimit = c(7, 7))

Convert polygonal "sfg" to "gpc.poly"


Package polyCub implements a converter from class "(MULTI)POLYGON" of package sf to "gpc.poly" of package gpclib such that polyCub.exact.Gauss can be used with simple feature polygons.





a "POLYGON" or "MULTIPOLYGON" "sfg" object.


The converted polygon of class "gpc.poly". If package gpclib is not available, sfg2gpc will just return the pts slot of the "gpc.poly" (no formal class) with a warning.


Package gpclib is required for the formal class definition of a "gpc.poly".


Sebastian Meyer

See Also



## use example polygons from
example(plotpolyf, ask = FALSE)
letterR  # a simple "xylist"

letterR.sfg <- sf::st_polygon(lapply(letterR, function(xy)
    rbind(cbind(xy$x, xy$y), c(xy$x[1], xy$y[1]))))
stopifnot(identical(letterR, xylist(letterR.sfg)))

## convert sf "POLYGON" to a "gpc.poly"
letterR.gpc_from_sfg <- sfg2gpc(letterR.sfg)

Convert Various Polygon Classes to a Simple List of Vertices


Different packages concerned with spatial data use different polygon specifications, which sometimes becomes very confusing (see Details below). To be compatible with the various polygon classes, package polyCub uses an S3 class "xylist", which represents a polygonal domain (of potentially multiple polygons) by its core feature only: a list of lists of vertex coordinates (see the "Value" section below). The generic function xylist can deal with the following polygon classes:

The (somehow useless) default xylist-method does not perform any transformation but only ensures that the polygons are not closed (first vertex not repeated).


xylist(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'owin'
xylist(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'sfg'
xylist(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'gpc.poly'
xylist(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'SpatialPolygons'
xylist(object, reverse = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'Polygons'
xylist(object, reverse = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'Polygon'
xylist(object, reverse = TRUE, ...)

## Default S3 method:
xylist(object, ...)



an object of one of the supported spatial classes.


(unused) argument of the generic.


logical (TRUE) indicating if the vertex order of the sp classes should be reversed to get the xylist/owin convention.


Polygon specifications differ with respect to:

  • is the first vertex repeated?

  • which ring direction represents holes?

Package overview:


"owin" does not repeat the first vertex, and anticlockwise = normal boundary, clockwise = hole. This convention is also used for the return value of xylist.


Repeat first vertex at the end (closed), anticlockwise = hole, clockwise = normal boundary


Repeat first vertex at the end (closed), clockwise = hole, anticlockwise = normal boundary; however, sf does not check the ring direction by default, so it cannot be relied upon.


There seem to be no such conventions for polygons of class "gpc.poly".

Thus, for polygons from sf and gpclib, xylist needs to check the ring direction, which makes these two formats the least efficient for integration domains in polyCub.


Applying xylist to a polygon object, one gets a simple list, where each component (polygon) is a list of "x" and "y" coordinates. These represent vertex coordinates following spatstat.geom's "owin" convention (anticlockwise order for exterior boundaries, without repeating any vertex).


Sebastian Meyer